- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Friday, 21 April 2023


  • Lio app for all your information. The app can be customized to store everything in excel format on mobile devices.

    Lio app is a completely free electronic register and mobile excel tool for small companies that allows them to control the details of their Udhaar Register, register book Khata Register and attendance register, GST register and more. Keep track of all your personal and business information in Lio. It’s free secure, safe and secure. It is like an excel sheet for all types of businesses used as a notebook/register/record book to create expenses spreadsheet, customer excel, attendance excel, todo list or daily activities.. The Lio application can be used as a register-to-do, debit register book and credit register book, as well as other. Although it is used primarily by companies to manage customer books, order book spreadsheet for payments, inventory excel, income registers and expense register book. Lio app is also utilized by people to keep track of their personal actions.

    How can I utilize the Lio App?

    1. Download the application via the Play Store – Free Download!
    2. Log in and create an account Login with ease!
    3. Get easy-to-use templates that you can use
    4. Select the use case you want to use and choose your category. For example, a Profit & loss general ledger or party ledger or a personal ledger
    5. Begin recording
    6. Share via WhatsApp

  • file/excel sheet on WhatsApp directly from the Lio app
  • Support via phone and Whatsapp is Available
  • Simple creation of automated Whatsapp messages and sharing them with customers
  • Simple attachment of images to the document for easier use, which leaves there is no room for error or the fear of losing documents
  • Keep track of your industry by designing Dashboards
  • Join multiple files in order to avoid data repetition and save time.
  • Data recovery made easy using a an automated system for data recovery which allows you to work with the application without worry
  • Stay in touch with customers and make use of Lio as a Mobile CRM.
STD 1 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 2 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 3 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 4 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE

STD 5 Excel Parinam Patrak
STD 6 to 8 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE


STD 1 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 2 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 3 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 4 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 5 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE
STD 6 to 8 Excel Parinam PatrakCLICK HERE

Lio App Main Features

Utilize Lio app as CRM Bookkeeping, RecordBook Register book, stock management, Sales Notes, Task Management Leads management, business automation

1. Accounting for business expenses, income including GST, budgeting profits and losses, loans Udhar bahi Khata, udhar bahi Khata accounting

2. Maintain the customer’s records including work register, employee/salary records and attendance records, as well as order book, stock and other data by using templates that are custom-designed for you

3. With a daily spending register it is possible to plan your finances more effectively than storing your records in xlsx or sheets that are xl.

4. With an attendance template you can keep track of each of the students or students.

5. The template for to-do lists allows you to record your daily chores that you do, whether personal or professional using the application.

Lio app could also be employed as a CRM tool or Google Sheet or Excel using a smartphone

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