Household medicinal use of spice crops
Spice crops are used in almost every household for cooking plus-minus. But not all housewives or people in the house know that every spice is used in Ayurvedic terms. The use of such household innocuous and self-reliant herbs can save time, energy and wealth as well as get rid of the side effects of chemical drugs. The following is a list of some of the important medicinal uses of spice crops.
Medicinal value of Suva crop is high. Sleep is antiseptic. Bed water is available in the market under the name “Grip Water”. Which has proven to be an excellent remedy for pediatric abdominal pain. Sleep contains an element called “caravan” which increases breastfeeding by giving women sleeping water after childbirth. In many parts of the country, cattle are fed after weaning. Suva has been shown to be very useful as a mask as well as in making soups, syrups and medicines.
Chilies are lukewarm, light and warm in quality. It has the properties of appetite, digestion, elimination of mouth oils as well as blood enhancer. Since chili destroys phlegm and flatulence, 20% of phlegm and 60% of flatulence are used in treatment. Poor people in the villages swallow chilli seeds with hot water for stomach ache. Alcoholics benefit from one teaspoon of boiled chilli two to three times a day when they feel dizzy. It is beneficial to bandage the wound with chili PC to prevent rabies poisoning. It is beneficial to give chili incense to bring the unconscious person to consciousness. Cholera may also be treated with a teaspoon of chilli and a teaspoon of salt.
Ginger is an important food and medicine for intestinal diseases as it is spicy, hot, digestible, delicious. Eighty types of airborne diseases include paralysis, rheumatism, headache, rheumatism, chest or abdominal pain, etc. Ginger is very helpful in curing these diseases.
In case of cold, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, fever, sore throat, etc., sucking ginger and taking its juice in the stomach or extracting ginger juice and getting pure honey in it gives relief. Ginger and basil juice mixed with fever patient is beneficial.
Ginger is spicy in taste. Sweetness results when digested. Ginger is easy to digest so it helps in indigestion and prevents stomach upset. Being viscous, it heals the air, gives strength and also gives light to the body. Being hot, it also cures colds, coughs and colds. Ginger destroys all diseases of the cough as well as all diseases of the air.
Ginger cures vomiting, asthma, colic, cough, heart disease, elephantiasis, swelling, hemorrhoids, aphrodisiacs as well as abdominal and flatulence. In particular, ginger is considered to be the best medicine for diarrhea and rheumatism. Such as diarrhea, rheumatism, chest pain, headache, pain, hiccups, weakness or low BP. Etc. Ginger powder is very useful in diseases.
Rubbing ginger powder is beneficial
- Elephant
- Ginger with cow urine.
- Powerless
- Consume ginger or ginger
- Cold
- Lick ginger in honey..
Coriander is prepared by planting coriander and coriander is made from it. From an Ayurvedic point of view, coriander has some properties.