- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Five Health Benefits of Papaya

 Five Health Benefits of Papaya

Papaya is a fruit rich in various types of proteins and nutrients which are very beneficial for our health. Papayas are eaten raw when ripped and it’s used as a vegetable before it’s ripped and both are quite tasty and healthy. It’s sweet in taste when ripped and it grows mainly in tropical areas. Here are five health benefits of Papaya you should be aware of:

1.  Reduces Risks of Cancer

Papayas are very rich in antioxidants which help in reducing chances of cancer by eliminating free radicals from our body.

Free radicals which are present in human bodies are one of the main reasons of cancer in our body. The free radicals damages cells of our body especially to DNA and it can play an important role in growth of cancer cells in the body. Papayas contain a particular type of antioxidant known as beta-carotene which helps in fighting free radicals and may reduce risks of cancer in our body.

2. Helps in Digestion

Papayas also help in digesting the food we eat as it contains enzymes like pa pain and chymopapain which digests protein.

Papayas are rich in two types of enzymes known as papain and chymopapain that digests proteins hence it helps in digestion and also helps in reducing inflammation. The enzyme Papain is an over-the-counter digestive supplements that helps in curing ailment like minor upset stomach. Both these enzymes are helpful to control inflammation and they may aid with chronic inflammatory ailments like arthritis and asthma.

3. Improves Immune System

One of the most helpful benefits of Papaya is that it helps in improving the immune system in our body.

Papayas contain Vitamin C and it’s a proven fact that having foods containing Vitamin C help in improving the immune system of our bodies, and it also helps in curing bacterial and viral fevers. Vitamin C makes papaya an immune-healthy diet. Papaya also contains Vitamin A, which is also helpful for a healthy and functional immune system.

4. Possibly Protects Against Prostate Cancer

Many studies and research have found that papayas may help in reducing chances of prostate cancer.

Papaya contains lycopene which is also available in tomatoes and watermelon. It is a pigment that is found in foods that are red or orange in color hence it’s found in papayas also. It is believed that eating lycopene rich foods may reduces the risk of prostate cancer, and having diet that contains lycopene along with green tea considerably decreases the chances of prostate cancer.

5. Protects against Diabetes

Papayas contain fiber helps in protection and controlling against diabetes.

People suffering from type 1 diabetes should have foods fibre rich foods like papaya as it helps in controlling and lowering blood sugar level. Papayas help in improving blood sugar level, lipid and insulin levels among people with type 2 diabetes. One medium sized papaya contains around 3 grams of fiber  which is enough for a human body per day. 

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