- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Thursday, 22 September 2022

3 Best Things to Do and See in Iceland

 3  Best Things to Do and See in Iceland 

There are too numerous effects to do and see in Iceland that the list will go on and on but we've made a list of the seven stylish effects to do and see in Iceland. Continuing from the first part of the story, then are a many further stylish effects to do and see in Iceland. 


 1. The Diamond Beach 

 Diamond sand is one of the most well- known and graphic strands of Iceland which is a must visit if you're in Iceland. 

 piecemeal from Reynaldo, Diamond sand is also a veritably popular sand on the south seacoast of Iceland. Besides Diamond sand is located the crown jewel of Iceland’s nature, ’ the Pulsation Glacier Lagoon. This place is notorious for the northern lights which you can witness then on a clear night and the view is nothing short of a minstrel’s imagination. Also the blue color of the ice and the white color of the suds when varied with the black beach makes Diamond Beach extremely beautiful and one of Iceland’s stylish places to visit. However, you can spot cute seals playing at the lagoon and out at the ocean, If you're lucky enough. 


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 2. Visiting Quadrangular Basalt Pillars 

If you're planning to visit Iceland for a vacation also make sure to visit and witness the majestic and beautiful Quadrangular Basalt Pillars. 

 The colossal swells of South Iceland have created two basalt pillars called Quadrangular. It's located near Vik and you might have seen them in the notorious series Game of Thrones as East watch- by- the- ocean. Like numerous of Iceland’s most prominent gemstone conformations, some believe that these pillars are pixies, firmed in the light of the morning sun. These pillars are faced towards Reynaldo Mountain, where you can see Iceland’s celebrated black basalt hexagonal columns. 

3. The Largest Glacier in Europe 

 You'll be intrigued to know that the largest glacier in Europe known as Vatnajokull glacier is in Iceland. 


 One of the most notorious places to visit in Iceland is the Vatnajokull glacier, which is considered as the largest glacier in Europe. It covers 8 of Iceland’s mainland and is home to in numerous splendid ice grottoes , each a awful feat of nature. Beneath the ice, there are no lower than three active tinderboxes and you can also see the attitudinal peak in Iceland. in numerous gutters and outlet glaciers take birth from the Vatnajokull glacier. The Vatnajokull glacier also featured in a many occurrences of the notorious series Games of Thrones and also in two James Bond pictures.0000000

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