- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Saturday, 25 June 2022

Too eat curd in monsoon??

Why drink warm water on an clear stomach in the morning? The reasons for this

We may have heard various times that one should a drink warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. This suggestion is also given in the Ayurveda. The water that is drunk before an eating anything in the morning is bellow Ushapan. 

Drinking hot water an even on normal days is very good for a health and we are also inform to drink hot water during a coronal period. Hot water cures various ailments of the body. So today we demand to know what advantages the body gets from a drinking hot water

Source:: Dailyhunt
Drinking hot water on an empty stomach in the morning will clear the stomach wholly, it will make you feel to refreshed.

Your mind will be stress free a throughout the day. Stomach related problems are the cause of various illness in our body. There are benefits to removing it

Cough is simply relieved by drinking warm water. Taste of tongue, secretion of  a saliva from blagger in throat etc. is enhance. Drinking hot water hurry up the digestion of food stored in the stomach due to improper for digestion. Even if the apakva is drop in the stomach, if something is an eaten or drunk again, when this happens to again and again, the apakav is expand on the inter skin of the stomach. Which causes digestive illness like indigestion, acidity, anorexia. This causes bad breath that build up in the stomach and causes bad breath. Solves such an everyday problem.

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