- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Monday, 20 December 2021

PSE AND SSE EXAM 2020-21 NOTIFICATION DECLARE||http://sebexam.org/||PSE AND SSE Results

PSE AND SSE EXAM 2020-21 NOTIFICATION DECLARE||http://sebexam.org/||PSE AND SSE Results

Speak the names of these. Show the name of one of these or put a pencil. '' Names erased verbs erased. What is this called? 'Etc. The boy says: “What? '' Here the boys come up with a paragraph of nouns and verbs, I said: 'night', sir; " That's true . Really! After a moment he said: "Yellow, brown, pink, long, short" etc., but the boys did not have to work hard; But did you give any more lessons? 'Take out a pencil.

"It simply came to our notice then. And a little hilarious like you. '' No pencil was taken out. Has spent my house. Find the old cartons, make the boxes and take out the special yellow now. He picked up the papers lying sideways in the house and made slips of them. ”Yellow picked up. Upper Saheb: ‘Make the arrangement that you get this cost a special long time now.

'I will. Taking a long nap, I said: "Instead of arranging for this cost, I asked:" Which special pencil did you take? Upari Saheb: “But the details of the experiment should be told - something special shows; Something special shows more. 'No! If we don't think in detail, then why do we have a complete idea! The boys must have read it and thought of something.

Varu, wait, after drinking this tea, let's play the game by removing the box of names and adjectives, 'he said:' Find the adjective of the name and find the name of the adjective. "Sahib was so fond of it. The boy who drank high quality tea took the word "nights" and the word "horse" was from the name box, he also knew my personal hobbies. Take out the full twenty minutes and set up the ‘night horse’.

After drinking tea with adjectives and names, then we came to a little town and started to form pairs from the heaps, I was just watching and the talk went on. "It simply came to our notice then. Some couples were wrong, I said: “As per my custom with the boy, I checked the students in different ways and put the adjectives. Adjectives adjectives on cartons. Watching. He had understood the meaning of the adjective in his mind so his interest increased now.

They read the adjectives, trying to figure out exactly what the name or adjective was. Asked: “Brother, what else is special? I said: 'Look, the superior says:' You are joking! Names are all adjectives. 'In their minds they adapted the adverb beautifully, understanding the meaning of varu, definition.


Then the games started again. Adjective, give or not? "To read and separate the nouns and verbs. I said: * The definition is given! After the rest of the grammar, I gave a new game:" Look, boys. I will not learn the definition given inside, and you bring what I ask in the exam. " You shouldn't ask that. You ask the paragraph. "" Bring a pencil. "The upper master says:" I don't have an examination in this subject. Boy, bring a pencil. Levi, I have to introduce this method in the whole school. Gokhi died. "I brought a pencil at night.When our master did not know us, he would hit me."

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