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Sunday, 28 November 2021

SKEDit Scheduling App: Schedule WhatsApp SMS Calls APK Download Free 2021

SKEDit Scheduling App: Schedule WhatsApp SMS Calls APK Download Free 2021

SKEDit is a free and easy-to-use scheduling app that lets you schedule WhatsApp messages, schedule SMS, send emails later, schedule posts, and set call reminders. This top-rated Android scheduling app acts like your personal virtual assistant. Put your communication on autopilot with SKEDit, the free 5-in-1 WhatsApp scheduler, SMS scheduler, Call scheduler, and Email scheduler.

DISCLAIMER: Some services are not compatible with all devices (especially older ones with older OS), and require strict requirements for their automation to function properly (e.g removing screen lock- more details in help center), as the service itself does not provide any automation capabilities (hence the “macro” workaround). Thank you for your understanding.

+ Save Time: Schedule WhatsApp messages, SMS, and emails to be sent later automatically. Save countless hours lost in tedious back-and-forth messaging each day.
+ Eliminate Stress: Streamline all your communication so it runs smoothly. Calmly breeze through your day not worrying about sending message reminders or last-minute phone calls.
+ Stay Organized: Structure, schedule & plan all your communication down to a T. No more drowning in an ocean of unwelcomed phone calls, emails, and messages.
+ Boost Productivity: All your communication needs handled. Tackle your top priorities with laser-like focus with a fully-free WhatsApp, post, and SMS scheduler.
+ Automate Your Communication: Swift, automated communication makes everything fall into place like clockwork. Relax as you sail through your day, having already planned it yesterday.
+ Set Reminders: Schedule WhatsApp messages, automatic emails, and call reminders to be sent to yourself. Enjoy effortlessly staying in-sync with your plans through the power of automated reminders.

[1] Quickly Register: Simply fill in contact info, or use One-Touch Facebook register, for a rapid download & install.
[2] Choose Communication Service: Select communication method you’d like to automate: Call, SMS, Email, WhatsApp
[3] Write Content: Jot down your message or content you’d like to have automatically sent
[4] Schedule Date & Time: Set exact time & date for your message, content or call. Sit back & relax while SKEDit handles the rest

SKEDit combines human power with the precision of AI automation, to make your future life simpler, easier and stress-free. This nifty little scheduling app belongs in your bag of tricks if you’re / you’re a:

+ Person who needs help remembering birthdays/special events of loved ones
EG: schedule WhatsApp messages or schedule SMS to be sent later at the best time
+ Busy with other activities but still need to communicate
EG: schedule automatic emails to be sent when you know you’ll be caught in long meetings
+ Always needing to remind others
EG: schedule Whatsapp messages using the Whatsapp scheduler to remind your family of important meet-ups, to-do chores or set call reminders to stay in touch.
+ Blogger using many different communication channels with fans
EG: schedule posts or schedule messages so they appear routinely at the same times
+ Businessman travelling many different time zones
EG: schedule WhatsApp messages or automatic emails out to your team before you travel
+ Always driving & wanting to avoid texting/calling, but still needing to communicate
EG: schedule SMS using the SMS scheduler for when you know you’ll be driving so you’re not constantly glancing at your phone and putting yourself in danger on the road

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