- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Gujarati in Std. 3 and 4 and Environmental Training in Std-5

Gujarati in Std. 3 and 4 and Environmental Training in Std-5



man who can be called the math grandfather of Gujarat.  Whose name is late.  Mr. P.  C.  Vaidya Saheb. Many people will be unaware of this name.  But this was a great personality that the whole of Gujarat could be proud of.

Indian physicist and mathematician who did basic work in Gujarat on Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  Who has worked with eminent scientists and mathematicians like Homibhabha, Vishnu Narlikar and Jayant Narlikar.  Such Prahladbhai Chunilal Vaid was born on 23 5 1918.  In addition to his close association with science, he was involved in pedagogy and Gandhianism and was imprisoned for participating in the freedom struggle.  Bachelor of Science after taking primary education in Bhavnagar.  He studied physics at the Institute of Science, Mumbai.  He studied and taught all his life.  Apart from Gujarat, Saurashtra and Mumbai, he also taught in Benaras.  In 19, he obtained a doctorate in mathematics.  For some time he also worked at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. In addition to Surat, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Visnagar, he has been Professor of Mathematics in Ahmedabad.  He has been the Chairman of GPSC and a member of UPSC.  He died on 12 3 2010 due to kidney disease.

Vaid Saheb was not a great professor of mathematics.  But he has made many great discoveries in mathematics.  Not only that but he has also worked with world class mathematicians.  Around 1945, he discovered matrices that could be used in mathematics and in the theory of pulsar.  But since this matrix had no special use at that time, it was of no use.  Hence it was not noticed.  But some years later the theory of quasars and pulsars was discovered in physics.  At that time this matrix suddenly became useful.  Since then both Matrix and Vaid Saheb have become famous in mathematics.

Vaid Saheb was a mathematician, he was a great man.  Until a very old age, he also used to ride a bicycle in Ahmedabad.  Wearing khadi clothes.  Going to the gym, exercising regularly.  As a result, his body was very tight until he was very old.

Shri Vaid Saheb had established a Mathematical Society in Gujarat.  This is probably the only bi-monthly mathematics subject in Gujarati language.  Which comes out very regularly. Being a life member it comes to me forever and I read it regularly.  I am interested in this magazine as I have my own subject Mathematics.  Mathematics sessions are held every year in Diwali at various places as part of the Mathematical Society established by Vaidya Saheb.  So far about 20 math sessions have been held.  We have also participated in many conventions.  In this session, teachers, professors and students of mathematics come together and solve new questions of mathematics.  Which is really a lot of fun.  Suganitam's convention was held at a college in Ahmedabad in about 19.  In which all of us students went from our college.  We talked a lot with him at that time.  I very gladly gave my note to him for autograph.  Then he took my note and wrote something with his left hand.  So from his letter I came to know that Sahib is in fact right-handed and writes with his left hand.  So I instinctively asked, sir, you write with your right hand and why do you write with your left hand today?  Then he gave such an answer to a mathematician.  He said that he has written with his right hand for 3 years, so now he has to write with his left hand for the remaining 5 years.  There was also an optimism and laughter hidden within this answer.  He wrote in the note that two plus two is equal to four.  Einstein probably won't.  I was not surprised to read this.  So I gladly asked Sir to explain the meaning of this.  So he told me that you have to study relativity to understand what this means.  That is why I was given the homework of studying relativity by saying so much with a smile.  Then I became interested in it.  So I read a lot of books and articles on relativity and I understood the meaning of the statement he wrote.  Even then we met a couple of times.  There was a lot to learn from her cheerful and loving personality each time.  Wearing a khadi robe, trousers and a khadi hat, one can hardly say that this person would be a world class great mathematician.  My recommendation is to read Vaidya Saheb's autobiography Chowk and Duster if anyone has not read it.  Choke and Duster is an autobiography written in very simple and interesting language.  In which there are various experiences of his academic life.  Then there was a time when Vaid Saheb was sitting in a chair on the stage at the Billimora Maths Convention and I was standing next to him and giving a speech from the mic about the problems of mathematics education.  He congratulated me well and said I would consider your point.  These are my memoirs with Vaidya Sahib.
Gujarati in Std. 3 and 4 and Environmental Training in Std-5

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