What is the truth? . Avi ul. Modi Ki- Guni Nar. Respect the mouth of the family, make them thick with a ray page, such as a step-by-step method. His da. ત. 9459 to 25th,, 95% MT DB - 50 game focus 345035 to Dmal 9M00-25 = 363, 025 56 592 = 3 HK Medal * * 7, Gets an understanding of what works. Sec. (Appani is K1 However, A! Pel swallows Pune and its scene, Ra'goom - is (made. In the same way Dahe converts numbers into fractions.
For example, length and common, Beckum is subtracted. Up to 10 meters =; \ 't is half a rupee = 5 rupees Ladhukon, Jupiter who classifies in Kotkon and shows the delay of this 'Nupuja'.
Uses long e, weight and size urine and small units, ... converts large units into smaller units and converts smaller units into larger units. About 20 quarts of water comes out of a filled call.,
Uses four basic mathematical operations to solve problems related to money, length, force, capacity and duration. Standard ૬ Medium ૫. Find the solution of a large number of problems using the subtraction multiplication division.
With the help of rice, the number is classified into even, odd, divisible, indivisible, etc. Sa. A. And l. Sa. A. Uses in a particularly appropriate situation. Solve problems of addition and subtraction of whole angles,Uses fractions and decimals in different situations like money, length, temperature etc. E.g. (1) 7% meter long cloth. (2) The distance between two places 112. Is 5 km. Etc ...
The addition of fractions and decimals - solves the problem in everyday life dealing with the minus key. : Uses with various mathematical operations to describe a given situation da. ત. 213