- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Wednesday, 14 July 2021

7th pay scale Moghavari Dar No Kotho....!With DA, central employees are getting one more gift, find out when they will get the benefits

7th pay scale Moghavari Dar No Kotho....!

With DA, central employees are getting one more gift, find out when they will get the benefits

😁🎁कैबिनेट ने केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों का DA 17 प्रतिशत से बढ़ाकर 28 प्रतिशत किया

Read Official letter of release DA Rates.


ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી વાંચો અહીંથી વાંચો

Diwali and Dussehra are going to be great for the central staff this time.  This is because a large amount of DA, DR is to be credited to the account.  According to a report, the increase in DA, DR will be valid from July 1 and will be paid before Dussehra (October 15).

7th Pay Commission: Diwali and Dussehra are going to be great for central employees this time.  This is because a large amount of DA, DR is to be credited to the account.  According to a report, the increase in DA, DR will be valid from July 1 and will be paid before Dussehra (October 15).

 How much will the monthly salary increase?

 In such a situation, it is also being assessed how much the monthly salary of central employees will increase after the increase in inflation allowance.  Media reports claim that the monthly salary of employees will increase from Rs 3,000 to Rs 30,000.  Naturally, how much the monthly salary will increase after DA's reinstatement will depend on the salary scale of the employees

DA will rise 3% in July

 It may be noted that the Ministry of Labor has given the figures of May 2021 All India Consumer Price Index.  Accordingly, the May 2021 index rose 0.5 points, taking it to 120.6.  Now waiting for the data for June, which is not expected to increase further.  Because DA needs to increase by 4% then it should be 130, but it is impossible for AICPI to increase by 10 points in a month.  So, of course, the increase in DA in July will not be more than 3%.

The government will spend Rs 30,000 crore

 According to media reports, the central government may spend Rs 30,000 crore to increase DA, DR in the financial year 2022.  Similarly, the states are also expected to spend around Rs 60,000 crore.  The basic salary of central employees and pensioners ranges from Rs 23,000 to a maximum of Rs 2.25 lakh.  The government is expected to increase DA, DR before the festive season to boost consumption.


ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી વાંચો અહીંથી વાંચો

When will DA, DR

 According to a report, the increase in DA, DR will be valid from July 1 and will be paid before Dussehra (October 15).  Which will also include two months of arrears.  If this happens, a large amount will come into the hands of central employees before the festival

7th Pay Commission: Earlier than expected, Central Government employees were given D.A.

Sorry it's fake letter. So I delete this letter.

Important Link

Matter of declaring house rent, medical allowance and other ancillary allowances (benefits) as per 7th pay commission

Congratulations on behalf of all the teachers for making the first Gujarat State in the country get the benefit of 7th Pay Commission to all the employees of the state with effect from 1/1/2016. In addition, according to the 7th pay commission, ancillary allowances, house rent, medical allowance and other allowances have not been declared even though 5 years have passed since 2016. If there is a feeling of the entire employees of the state that the allowances should be announced under the 7th pay commission, then the request of all the employees that their hopes be fulfilled quickly is co ...

Employees working in Navodaya Vidyalaya will get a rise in medical allowance along side expensive allowance. 

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