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Sunday, 2 May 2021

Video player & music player all formats supported to play all media files.

Video player & music player all formats supported to play all media files.

🇮🇳In need of an all-in-one video player, music player🎦 and video downloader, music downloader🎵?

✨PLAYit is ready to provide you a feast for eyes👁 and ears👂!

🎈Download and enjoy Now🎈

🎉HD video player 2020 is your best online video mate and online music player in India to enjoy latest Bollywood movies🎥, Hindi films📽, watch IPL 2020 games🏏 and other local video clips📼 in all format (MKV videos, FLV videos,M4V videos, etc

💾Besides, you can also direct download and save any videos🎞 from Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other social media. In this way, you could save the video in advance and watch anytime anywhere even if there's poor Internet connection📶

🎦Best online HD  video player, gaana music player and downloader 2️0️2️0️ with stunning features

🍿All format videos all format audio supported

HD sax video player for all format: 4k videos, 1080p videos, MKV videos, FLV videos, 3GP videos, M4V videos, TS videos, MPG videos

HQ music player for all format: mp3 files, m4a files

🔍Auto detect and manage local media files

Auto detect all video files on Android device and SD card, easy to sort and share media files. All format video downloaded and analyzed by HD video remain high-definition

▶Quick search, play and download online videos/pics

VPN browser for any sites and bets video downloader. Search any videos and tab the "download" button, videos or photos will directly saved.It could be Facebook video downloader, Twitter video downloader, Instagram video downloader, WhatsApp status video downloader

💬Floating play and background play allow multi-tasking

Turn on floating-play window to chat with others or work with other apps while watching videos or listening to music.

🔁Video to audio converter

One click to convert videos to audios and enjoy audio/music playing.

🔣Online Subtitle Function

Search online subtitle and free download to watch movies with English/Hindi/Tamil subtitles. Enjoy Vinashkaal latest hindi movie!

👏Smart gesture control during video player videos playing

Multi-play option and easy gesture control to change playback speed, brightness and volume 

👍Advanced kernel SW decoder to provide better experience

Software acceleration is applied to all formats. By changing the decoding mode, playback will be more smooth and of high quality

🎞▶HD Video Player: Play It

- Browse all your local video files and play status videos, trailers, movies and any other videos stored in your device, any formats supported

- Background play function to keep playing the video when switch to other apps or turn off the phone screen

- Floating play function to adjust the player's floating window and use other apps at the same time

- Easily use gesture control to adjust playback speed, brightness and volume. video playback continuous from the last position smartly

📽▶HD Video Downloader: Download It

- Enter the video website or social media site like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

- Tap “Download” button for video downloader and save Facebook live videos, Instagram post, WhatsApp status, TikTok videos and other social media pictures or videos

- Tap “Download” button for video downloader and save full hindi movies or film clips on your own device

🎼▶HQ Music Player: Listen to It

- Locate and manage all audio files from your phone memory and SD card

- Free choose to play single piece of songs or the whole playlist on PLAYit music player

- Convert Mp4 to Mp3 with one simple click remaining incredible audio quality

- Automatically pause playback when your headset is unplugged

🖥▶PLAYit player for PC

To play videos on your laptop/computer, please go to our official website www.playit.app to get PLAYit for window version. 

⭐We are working hard for your better experience as a stunning HD video player and video downloader!

📩If you have any problem during the usage of PLAYit, please direct contact us via mediabacku

Convert Mp4 to Mp3 with one simple click remaining incredible audio quality

- Automatically pause playback when your headset is unplugged

🖥▶PLAYit player for PC

To play videos on your laptop/computer, please go to our official website www.playit.app to get PLAYit for window version. 

⭐We are working hard for your better experience as a stunning HD video player and video downloader!

📩If you have any problem during the usage of PLAYit, please direct contact us via mediabackup. (Source : Play Store)

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