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Sunday, 16 May 2021

Find out the possibility of a hurricane hitting Gujarat on which date and which city could be affected?

Find out the possibility of a hurricane hitting Gujarat on which date and which city could be affected?


વાવાઝોડાની લાઈવ સ્થિતિ જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

વાવાઝોડાની લાઈવ સ્થિતિ જોવા માટે એપ્લિકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

માછીમારોને દરિયો નહીં ખેડવા સૂચનાનો ઓફિશિયલ લેટર માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Find out the possibility of a hurricane hitting Gujarat on which date and which city could be affected?


Pro.  This commission formed under the chairmanship of Dolatsinh Kothari
A comprehensive view on the Indian education system after independence
Did.  The importance of this commission in the educational history of India is complete
Is the location.  There are two reasons for this: (1) Comprehensive for the revival of education
Considered (2) prepared the framework of the National Education Policy.  This
The commission's original was a third five-year plan.  Which in clear words
Emphasized rethinking the country's education system.
The constitutional commitment to universalize education in the country has not been fulfilled
And in 1964 as educational inequality could not be eliminated
The Kothari Punch was formed by the government.  By the government
This was the Sixth Punch on Education.  But in a real way
Was the first Punch to make a comprehensive study of the Indian education system
As a result, the National Education Policy was implemented in 1968.  Its main recommendations were as follows:
Fulfills the needs and desires of national life
Adopting the kind of teaching method.
Qualitative improvement in education to achieve the right level
To do.
  To provide equal educational opportunities.
Punch Education to bring the expected change in Indian society
Considered as a powerful medium for.  Especially when the country
Population explosion, poverty, slow economic growth, social
Problems such as economic inequality and political instability

Education is a practical tool to solve.  Organized education
Twelve task force by the Commission emphasizing the need for the program
And seven working groups were formed.  Through which
Commission on the needs of the country and socio-economic change
Suggested several remedies and made recommendations.

Don't give advice
Once the cockroach was taking water out of the sea in its beak and seeing it, the crow came and saw what it was doing. The cockroach says my cub has been taken by the sea so I will take out the water.  Chakli says no advice, accompany you, all the birds are coming in this way, seeing this, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, the eagle started coming, Lord says, it is not possible, no matter how hard you try,  Give back the chicks, so support each other in this difficult time rather than advising each other.
  Decreased Immunity
Decreased Humanity

Meteorological Department monitors low pressure activity Danger of 'Tokte' hurricane on Saurashtra coast: 15th will hit, system alert m Hurricane will be on 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th May Ahmedabad, on the other hand, cyclone in the Arabian Sea | Keeping. When it happens on the 17th, the state government will take action against the Corona epidemic The system is emerging. The weather is planned to make hurricanes active in the Arabian Sea. Home Minister to the hurricane rising in the sea The department's forecast is that, on the 17th That is likely. Hurricanes activated | Pradipsinh Jadeja said that the Gujarat government has become alert following this. Thunderstorm activity will start after which the direction in which it will split is currently stated Fishermen have been instructed not to plow the sea. In addition, the coast can collide with the coast of Saurashtra People living in atmospheric conditions have been evacuated to safer places in some areas of Gujarat after the 18th. The possibility of hurricanes will be reversed. Instructed to stay in Gandhinagar. 17th | Following is not possible in some areas of Gujarat Starting a control room could also change the atmosphere on the coast of Gujarat. Hurricanes are coming to the coast of Gujarat from where Toukat hurricanes can hit. In the southern and western Arabian Sea Will collide. Will be monitored directly. On the one hand, the transition to corona | A pressure can be activated Not only that, when the government has become active to remove the collector of Kutch-Saurashtra Weather Monitor on Pressure Activities, No Loss of Loss of Life (Annexure on May 11) CM Talks with Saurashtra-Kutch Collector

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