- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Matter of giving option to teachers of Std. 1 to 4 in Std. 6 to 8

Matter of giving option to teachers of Std. 1 to 4 in Std. 6 to 8

Matter of giving option to teachers of Std. 1 to 4 in Std. 6 to 8 

Education, society is an attempt by one generation to transfer its knowledge to a generation below it.  With this idea, education works as an institution, which plays an important role in connecting the individual to the society and maintains the continuity of the culture of the society.  The child learns the basic rules, systems, paradigms and values ​​of the society through education.  The child is able to connect with the society only when he is oriented towards the history of that particular society.

 Education is the process of developing one's innate ability and personality.  This process socializes him to play the role of an adult in the society and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to the person to become a member of the society and a responsible citizen.  The word Shiksha is formed by adding the suffix 'A' in the Sanskrit word 'Shiksha'.  ‘Education’ means learning and teaching.  The word 'education' means the act of teaching and learning.

 When we look at the use of the word education, it is broadly used in two forms, broadly and narrowly.  Education in the broadest sense is an ever-expanding purposeful social process in a society by which man's innate powers are developed, his knowledge and skills are enhanced and behavior is changed and thus he is made a civilized, cultured and worthy citizen.  Man experiences and experiences new things moment by moment, which affects his day-to-day behavior.  His teaching and learning takes place informally from various groups, festivals, magazines, radio, television, etc.  This teaching-learning comes in a broad and detailed form of education.  Education in the narrow sense is a purposeful social process in a society which is carried out in a planned manner in a certain time and in certain places (school, college) by which the student learns to pass a certain course by reading a certain Education, society is an attempt by one generation to transfer its knowledge to a generation below it.  With this idea, education works as an institution, which plays an important role in connecting the individual to the society and maintains the continuity of the culture of the society.  The child learns the basic rules, systems, paradigms and values ​​of the society through education.  The child is able to connect with the society only when he is oriented towards the history of that particular society.

 Education is the process of developing one's innate ability and personality.  This process socializes him to play the role of an adult in the society and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to the person to become a member of the society and a responsible citizen.  The word Shiksha is formed by adding the suffix 'A' in the Sanskrit word 'Shiksha'.  ‘Education’ means learning and teaching.  The word 'education' means the act of teaching and learnin

 When we look at the use of the word education, it is broadly used in two forms, broadly and narrowly.  Education in the broadest sense is an ever-expanding purposeful social process in a society by which man's innate powers are developed, his knowledge and skills are enhanced and behavior is changed and thus he is made a civilized, cultured and worthy citizen.  Man experiences and experiences new things moment by moment, which affects his day-to-day behavior.  His teaching and learning takes place informally from various groups, festivals, magazines, radio, television, etc.  This teaching-learning comes in a broad and detailed form of education.  Education in the narrow sense is a purposeful social process in a society which is carried out in a planned manner in a certain time and in certain places (school, college) by which the student learns to pass a certain course by reading a certain course.g.

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