- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Thursday, 10 December 2020



Subject: Matter of conducting self-assessment and external assessment under "School Achievement" program Reference: Office letter no. And decided to conduct "School Achievement" program in the grant aided secondary schools as per the guidelines of NIEPA. In the year 2017-20, "School Achievement" program has been implemented in a total of 6 secondary schools. These schools were instructed to conduct self-assessment as per the guidelines of NILPA. Year: Self-assessment work for 2018-20 will be frozen after November 30, 2020. The schools in your district which have self-assessment work pending will have to complete the self-assessment work by November 30, 2020. Under "School Achievement" program, after self-assessment in schools, external assessment process has to be done in third (1/4) part of schools. Following the self-assessment work in these 8 schools under the "School Achievement" program, guidelines were sent for external assessment in an average of one-third (1/3) of the secondary schools in each block of the state. Apart from this, details of district wise grant and expenditure allotted for this operation were also sent. 

The district level has appointed a nodal officer for this operation and it is requested to send the progress report of the operation to the office here every Friday at ecell@gmail.com.

Guidelines for External Assessment under the School Achievement Program - External assessment shall be based on the results of last year's self-assessment. In which 1/2 (one third) of the total number of schools in the taluka will have to be evaluated externally. > For external evaluation of schools, Secondary School Education Inspector, Assistant Education Inspector, Model School Principal, Model Day School Teacher, Retired Secondary School Principal, Diet Lecturer, BRCCornector. Selection of Coordinator, Head Teacher and Secondary School Principal. 

- In order to evaluate the school which has to be evaluated, the principal of the secondary school other than the school has to be included in the team. 

> Under the guidance of the District Education Officer, the teacher should form a team for the external evaluation at BRC for that taluka and organize a meeting. - The officer / employee coming for external evaluation will have to be considered on-duty on his / her duty. 

- One member of the external assessment team will be a mandatory CRC coordinator who will be responsible for making online entries for the external assessment of the school. - Grant will be allotted for external evaluation under school achievement program from the office here to the office of the district project coordinator of that district. The grant of the district should be allotted to the office of the District Education Officer by the entire District Education Office. - Details of planning for external evaluation should be sent to the office here. 

External evaluation work will have to start when the instruction will be given from here. - Rs. 100 per school for online entry of school details after completion of external assessment. By C.R.C. To be paid to the coordinator. 

The school which is to be externally evaluated will have to pay Rs. 200 per school to the externally evaluated school in this regard as incidental expenses. This grant must be allocated to the school account. 

- Members who join an external evaluated school as an evaluator will have to pay an honorarium of Rs. 200 per school per member. As per rules TA - DA will be paid as per rules from their grant by the concerned office. 

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