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Monday, 3 August 2020

Vhali Dikri Yojna goverment scheme for girl child

Vhali Dikri Yojna Full Detail Form PDf Download

One of the first two children in the family will benefit from the scheme. Beneficiary girl who gets admission in the first standard in the school gets Rs. 4,000, in 9th standard it was Rs. 6,000 and when he completes 18 years of age he will be given Rs. 1 lakh, 'said Nitin Patel.

He said the scheme would improve the proportions of the caste, promote child education and raise a large amount for higher education and marriage.

Gujarat Wahali Dikari Yojana eligibility

Gujarat Dikri Yojana is to improve the birth rate of girls and strengthen the economic status of girls in the society. All applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria to be eligible for the Wahali Dikari Yojana: -

The girls should be from a poor family with an annual income of less than 2 LHH.

Gill should be born after 2-8-2019

Benefit of Beloved Daughter Scheme for up to 2 girls.

The age of the mother at the time of birth of the girl should be more than 18 years

According to Patel, the scheme will be available to families up to Rs 5,000 with Rs. 2 lakh income is generated every year.

The state government has allocated Rs. In the budget for the financial year 2019-20, there is Rs 133 crore for this scheme.

In an effort to increase the birth rate of girls and fight against female feticide, the Gujarat government has launched the 'Wali Dairy Scheme' in the budget. Under the scheme, when the girl turns 18, Finance Minister Nitin Patel announced in the Assembly that the government would give her Rs one lakh.

Imaginary help in Wahali Dikari Yojana

The amount will be given to the first and second daughters of the family as follows

Document Requirement for Vali Lee Daughter Plan :::

The birth of a daughter is cricket

Father's Aadhaar card

Mother's Aadhaar card

Maternal birth certificate

Certificate of income

Another document

Key Features of Wahali Dikari Yojana ::

The main features of the scheme listed below are:

The Gujarat government wants to ensure that every girl child in the state has adequate education.
With the implementation of this scheme, the government will offer financial assistance to the parents of female students as they receive money to send their girls to school.
The scheme eliminates social evils in the society and helps young women to better manage their standard of living.
Under this project, the Government of Gujarat has promised to provide financial assistance of Rs. 1,10,000 to each applicant who becomes a registered beneficiary.
The full amount will be credited to the beneficiary's account in three different installments.
Beneficiaries will get subsidy in their account on time limit fixed by the government.
In the recent Gujarat budget 2019-20, the state government has allocated Rs.
The purpose of this scheme is the sustainable development of all these people which further helps in improving their standard of living in the society.
When a girl enters class 1, Rs. 4000 will be credited to his account. Again, when she successfully completes the eighth standard examination and gets admission in the 9th standard, the government will deposit Rs.6000 in her account.
After completing and passing the standard 12 examination, the Gujarat government will transfer Rs. 1 lakh to the bank accounts of the concerned beneficiaries.
After reaching the legal age of 18 years, the registered beneficiary can withdraw Rs. 1 lakh will be withdrawn. It is free to use the funds for vocational training, higher education or to meet the cost of marriage.

Gujarat Vahali Dikri Yojana Eligibility::

Gil Must Born after 2-8-2019
Vhali Dikri Yojna Benefits Till 2 Girl.
The scheme according to Patel will be availed to families with upto Rs. 2 lakh income per year.

The State government has made allocation of Rs. 133 crre for this scheme in financil year 2019-20 budget.

Ieffort to increase the birth rate of girls and to combat female feticide, the Gujrat government has launched 'Vali Dairy Scheme' in the budget. thisthe scheme, when girl crosses the age of 18, the Finance Minister, Nitin Patel, announced ithe Assembly that the government will give him Rs one lakh.

Fiancial Assistance In Vahali Dikri Yojan


Download Vhali Dikri Yojna Form click here

Document Require For Vhali Dikri Yojana :::

Birth Crtificate Of Daughter
Adhar Card Of Father
Adhar Card Of Mother
Birth certificate Of mother
Income certificate
Other Document

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