If there is less than 33 marks in Std. 9th and 11th, grading will be given and passed, special privilege has been given to the principal.

The Board of Education has changed the rules of class promotion for standard 9 and 11 students. From now on the annual result will be prepared out of a total of 120 marks taking into account 50 marks of the first test, 50 marks of the second test and 20 internal assessment marks. The marks of the annual examination will be given on the basis of the marks obtained by the student in these three examinations. However, if a student fails, he will be passed with grace. Principals can give as many grace marks as they like for this. Enough principals have been given special powers this year. Besides, since the practical examination has not been taken in Std. 11 Science, it has been asked to keep the field blank.
This increased grace marks for the same year
So far the principal could have given 10 grace marks to the student, but the education department has increased this limit for 2019-20. Even if the student has 13 marks instead of 33 marks to pass, the principal will be able to pass the student by giving 20 grace marks.
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The Board of Education has changed the rules of class promotion for standard 9 and 11 students. From now on the annual result will be prepared out of a total of 120 marks taking into account 50 marks of the first test, 50 marks of the second test and 20 internal assessment marks. The marks of the annual examination will be given on the basis of the marks obtained by the student in these three examinations. However, if a student fails, he will be passed with grace. Principals can give as many grace marks as they like for this. Enough principals have been given special powers this year. Besides, since the practical examination has not been taken in Std. 11 Science, it has been asked to keep the field blank.
This increased grace marks for the same year
So far the principal could have given 10 grace marks to the student, but the education department has increased this limit for 2019-20. Even if the student has 13 marks instead of 33 marks to pass, the principal will be able to pass the student by giving 20 grace marks.
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