- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Saturday, 30 November 2019

Samagr Shixa Abhiyan Antargat School Lidaralip Talim Babat No Paripatra Na

Samagr Shixa Abhiyan Antargat School Lidaralip Talim Babat No Paripatra Na

Some test-preparation programs have been proven to help students improve test scores, but others may have little effect.

Test preparation for the SAT is a highly lucrative field.

A lot of people have criticism towards exams and testing in the primary and high school environment, the number one type of testing in Australia that receives criticism is NAPLAN. Parents and teachers have put forward numerous numbers of cases stating the stress it is having on children and how pointless it is.

Most companies and educators that offer test preparation services also offer traditional (hard copy) and technology-based learning tools, such as books and other printed matter, software, websites, hand-held devices, or content for such devices. So do most test makers, publishers of self-help, instructional and educational materials, and makers of hardware and software.

Study guides can be broad based to facilitate learning in a number of areas, or be resources that foster comprehension of literature, research topics, history, and other subjects.

General topics include study and testing strategies; reading, writing, classroom, and project management skills; as well as techniques for learning as an adult, with disabilities, and online. Some will summarize chapters of novels or the important elements of the subject. Study guides for math and science often present problems (as in problem-based learning) and will offer techniques of resolution.

Academic support centers in schools often develop study guides for their students, as do for-profit companies and individual students and professors. Once only found at local five and dime stores the internet brought about a new era of online sites with study material. Only cliffes notes survived this transition to the internet.

Some high school teachers or college professors may compose study guides for their students to assist them with reading comprehension, content knowledge, or preparation for an examination. These study guides may be issued as an assignment to be completed or as a comprehensive selection of material assembled by the teacher.

Study guides can be presented in video format, which are referred to as "video study guides". An example is 60 second recap. Such "video-centric" educational materials are, increasingly, taking hold in the classroom, both in response to cultural preferences and research

Teacher Eligibility Test known as TET is an Indian entrance exam for teachers. The test is mandatory for getting teaching jobs in government schools from Class 1 to Class 8. Paper 1 is meant for teachers opting for Class 1 to Class 5 and Paper 2 for Class 6 to Class 8. It is conducted by both Central government and State governments in India. Most states conduct their own TET. The test is conducted in order fulfill and achieve the goals of the rte act.

TET was introduced by the government of india in order to improve standards in teaching. It was held for the first time in 2011. For teachers already working, they are supposed to clear the exam in two years time.

The exam is based on National Curriculum Framework. The people who have the professional qualifications of Teacher Training such as D.El.Ed, B.Ed, B.El.Ed are eligible to take part in the test. It's a mandatory qualification for one who wanted to be a teacher from Class I to class VIII. A candidate has to score over 60 per cent to clear the eligibility test. The exam is divided into Paper 1 and Paper 2.

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) maintains the database and guides the government bodies about conducting the test.

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