Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Chief Officer (Advt. No. 75/2018-19) Final Result Declared

1. The result of the Competitive Examination (Main) for the post of Municipal Chief
Officer, Class-III (Advertisement No. 75/2018-19) held on 13 and 14th July, 2019
is hereby declared as per Annexure-I.
2. The above result is declared taking into consideration the provisions of the Chief
Officer, Class III, in the Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service (Competitive
Examination) Rules, 2016. as amended from time to time, and the ratio laid down
by the following Judgements of the Hon'ble Supreme Court:
Advt. No. 75/2018-19
Posts Name: Chief Officer, Class–3, Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officer’s Service
Final Result: Click Here.

1. The result of the Competitive Examination (Main) for the post of Municipal Chief
Officer, Class-III (Advertisement No. 75/2018-19) held on 13 and 14th July, 2019
is hereby declared as per Annexure-I.
2. The above result is declared taking into consideration the provisions of the Chief
Officer, Class III, in the Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service (Competitive
Examination) Rules, 2016. as amended from time to time, and the ratio laid down
by the following Judgements of the Hon'ble Supreme Court:
Advt. No. 75/2018-19
Posts Name: Chief Officer, Class–3, Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officer’s Service
Final Result: Click Here.