- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Monday, 12 June 2017

GK Mp3:-Download GK Part- 1 & 2 in MP3 For TET And Other Exam Created By Current Gujarat.

GK Mp3:-Download GK Part- 1 & 2 in MP3 For TET And Other Exam Created By Current Gujarat.
TET 2017
The Government of Gujarat will conduct Gujarat Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) 2017 also known as Gujarat TET, as per the formalities laid down by the central regulating authorities. Gujarat TET is for the candidates aspiring to become teachers in primary (class I -V) and upper primary (VI-VIII) schools in the state of Gujarat.

 TET 2017 notification will be released by the Department of School Education, Gujarat OR concerned examination board as directed by the Government of Gujarat. TET is a compulsory examination for all the B.Ed. qualified candidates to be considered for teacher jobs in schools run by the government and private managements. Candidates may be facilitated to apply online for this examination. Here are the details of the GTET notification, syllabus, question pattern, eligibility details.

Gujarat TET (Ojas Guj TET) Qualification Teachers of Classes I-V (Paper I) 2017:
Candidates should have passed in Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45 percent marks. Those appearing in final 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 – year Diploma in Education in Special Education are also eligible. OR Candidates with BA / B.Sc. with at least 50 percent marks and B.Ed qualification can also apply.
Gujarat TET (Ojas Guj TET) Qualification Teachers of Classes VI-VIII (Paper II) 2017 :

 Applicants having B.A. / B.Sc and those appearing in final 2 year D.Ed. / B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 45 percent marks and passed / appearing in B.Ed / Senior Secondary with at least 50 percent marks and passed or appearing in final 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) / 4-year BA/ B.Sc.Ed. or B.A. (Ed.)/B.Sc. (Ed.) / B.Ed. (Special Education) with 50 percent in BA or B.Sc are eligible for GTET.
A mutual fund company is an investment company that receives money from investors for the sole purpose to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities for the benefit of the investors. A mutual fund is the portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities that generate profits for the investor, or shareholder of the mutual fund. A mutual fund allows an investor with less money to diversify his holdings for greater safety and to benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers. Mutual funds are generally safer, but less profitable, than stocks, and riskier, but more profitable than bonds or bank accounts, although its profit-risk profile can vary widely, depending on the fund's investment objective.Most mutual funds are open-end funds, which sells new shares continuously or buys them back from the shareholder (redeems them), dealing directly with the investor (no-load funds) or through broker-dealers, who receive the sales load of a buy or sell order. The purchase price is the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, which is the total assets of the fund minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding for that day.,
Download Gk: Part 1 - part 2

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