- By Alpesh Parmar , Veraval ( Gir Somnath )


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Saturday, 29 April 2017



Facebook can be a great medium to stay connected with your friends. However, for some, the  continuous notifications alerts, pokes and advertisements can be little annoying at times. Also, Facebook is addictive and consumes a lot of your time. And researchers have suggested that it might nit be great for your happiness

Image result for FACEBOOK IMAGE

A research study has also revealed that people who experience compulsive urges to use Facebook have some brain patterns similar to those found in drug addicts. So, in case you feel that you've had enough of Facebook and it's high time to bid adieu to it, then you have two options to do so- deactivate or delete.

The deactivation option is like an invisibility cloak which only makes your information from the public view. But all your information is still saved on Facebook's server. Also, a deactivated account can be reactivated anytime by just logging onto the account.

But a deleted account permanently removes all the information, photos and memories that you've shared on your profile from the server. Also a deleted Facebook account can never be reactivated.

But before you delete, you may  want to download a copy of all your Facebook data. To do this, log in to your Facebook account>Settings> General Account Settings> Download a copy of your Facebook data>Start My Archive.

Facebook will then ask you to enter password to confirm the download. Once you confirm it, all your information will be sent to your email.

Now to delete your account, go to https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_accountand click on 'Delete my account'.

Once it's done, Facebook will ask you to enter your password and the captcha code displayed in the image for the final confirmation.

It may take up to 90 days for Facebook to delete all of the things you've posted, like your photos, status updates or other data stored in backup systems. While Facebook is deleting this information, it is inaccessible to other people.

Some of the things you do on Facebook aren't stored in your account. For example, a friend may still have messages from you even after you delete your account. That information remains after you delete your account.

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