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Sunday, 30 April 2017

gnankutir daily gk prakhyat samadhi sthalo

we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayatclerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams.
From Web you can Get various Related Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar,Gujarati Literature,maths,science and other more materials For exams complete preparation stay connected.
Educational website and here we given all types of Educational news . All Gujarati news papers educational news cuttings are put in this blog. we can add post from some leading gujarati news papers like Sandesh, Divya bhaskar, Gujarat samachar, Akila , Sanj samachar and many more.
We are happy to inform we put Latest and trusted Educational news from trusted sources.
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Monthly current affairs by gnankutir

we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayatclerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams.
From Web you can Get various Related Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar,Gujarati Literature,maths,science and other more materials For exams complete preparation stay connected.
Educational website and here we given all types of Educational news . All Gujarati news papers educational news cuttings are put in this blog. we can add post from some leading gujarati news papers like Sandesh, Divya bhaskar, Gujarat samachar, Akila , Sanj samachar and many more.
We are happy to inform we put Latest and trusted Educational news from trusted sources.
so daily visit and stay connected with getting all type of news like Job, Result,CCC, Teachers related, All circulers, Admission, study material, GK,Question bank, and many more.
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A blog a truncation of the expression weblog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries ("posts"). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual[citation needed], occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as more personal online diaries, and others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. However, blog owners or authors need to moderate and filter online comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts. In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. On 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence. On 20 February 2014, there were around 172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million WordPress[5] blogs in existence worldwide. According to critics and other bloggers, Blogger is the most popular blogging service used today. However, Blogger does not offer public A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. Really, it’s anything you want it to be. For our purposes we’ll say that a blog is your own website that you are going to update on an ongoing basis. Blog is a short form for the word weblog and the two words are used interchangeably.As so often happens in the English language, many derivatives of the word blog have been created. One who participates in the activities of maintaining a blog is known as a blogger and the activity of keeping a blog is known as blogging. So we could say that the blogger blogs in his blog, but that might cause your English teacher to weep. We are going to use these terms with alarming frequency, so make sure you understand what they mean before you go on.So who are these fearless people who would be willing to post about their lives in as public a forum as the Internet? They are people just like you. Once the haven of technical know-it-alls, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a legitimate hobby and has entered the mainstream. Every day millions of people, some of whom have no technical ability whatsoever, write on their blogs.

To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will allow anyone, even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have their own blog. If you can find your way onto the Internet and follow some basic instructions you can have your own blog. It’s just that easy.So you may be asking why anyone would want to have their own blog. We believe the answer lies in the fact that every human has a voice and wishes their voice to be heard. The Internet is a medium that is unparalleled in its reach. Never before have average people like you or me been able to reach a global audience with so little trouble. Bloggers have the opportunity of reaching hundreds or even thousands of people each and every day.

There are still many people who like to share the details of their days. They may post twenty or thirty times a day, detailing when they ate lunch and when they headed home from work. On the other hand there are bloggers who give almost no detail about their lives, but write instead about a hobby or interest of theirs. They may dedicate their blog to something they are passionate about.

In fact, today’s blogs can provide hair tips, up-to-date news, technical information, celebrity scandal, political rumor, gets people involved in volunteering, advice on investments as well as there being blogs about niche topics like cooking, health, gardening, sport, blogging blogs (this blog) and of course many personal blogs and quite a few strange blogs.So who are these fearless people who would be willing to post about their lives in as public a forum as the Internet? They are people just like you. Once the haven of technical know-it-alls, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a legitimate hobby and has entered the mainstream. Every day millions of people, some of whom have no technical ability whatsoever, write on their blogs.

To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will allow anyone, even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have their own blog. If you can find your way onto the Internet and follow some basic instructions you can have your own blog. It’s just that easy.


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This file is  exam paper useful. Please download the paper because this file is use your feature post and practice of all governmane and private job.We provide information about new job like goverment sector and private sector we also destribute the job related and post vise material like gujarati grammar english grammar history of gujarat history of india maths reasoning science computer gujarati literature indian literature gujarat geography indian geography current affairs .
We also provide information about Talati Junior clerk Senior Clerk SSC GSSEB etc related information and its related material and old paper and model paper. Teacher job and paripatra we also provide. my telegram & whatsapp no 9726905874 add your group for new update and material


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Saturday, 29 April 2017


GPSC MODEL PAPER NO 40Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Important Notification for the post of Class 1 & 2 GAS & GCS (Advt. No. 121/2016-17) 2017, Check below for more details.Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.Posts :GPSC Class 1 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Dy. Collector: 40 PostsDyS.P.: 28 PostsDistrict Registrar: 07 PostsProhibition & Excise Superintendent: 02PostsAssistant Commissioner Tribal Development: 06 PostsGPSC Class - 2 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Mamlatdar: 69 PostsSection Officer (Sachivalay): 96 PostsSection Officer (GPSC): 03 PostsSection Officer (Gujarat Assembly Secretariat): 03 PostsTaluka Development Officer (TDO): 08 PostsAsst. District Registrar: 22 PostsDistrict inspector of land records: 08 PostsAssistant Director (Food and Civil Supplies): 15 PostsLabour Officer: 07 PostsTriable Development Officer: 21 PostsPrivate Secretary (English Stenographer, Grade-1),Class-2, (Special Recruitment-Schedule Tribe)State Services (Advt. No. GPSC 122/2016-17): 02 PostsClinical Physiologist (Advt. No. GPSC 123/2016-17): 20 PostsDistrict Youth Development Officer (Advt. No. GPSC 124/2016-17): 22 PostsScientific Officer (Chemistry), Class-2, Directorate of Forensic Science, Home Department (Advt. No. GPSC 125/2016-17):13 PostsIndustries Officer, Class-2,Industries & Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 126/2016-17): 07 PostsIndustries Officer (Technical ) and Manager (Raw Materials), Industries and Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 127/2016-17): 04 PostsInspector of Registration, Class-2 (Special Drive), General State Service, Inspector General of Registration (Advt. No. GPSC 128/2016-17): 05 PostsAssistant Research Officer, Class-2, General State Service, Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply & Kalpasar Department (Advt. No. GPSC 129/2016-17): 05 PostsDeputy Director (IT), Class-1, Department of Science and Technology (Advt. No. GPSC 130/2016-17): 10 PostsTotal No. of Posts : 423 PostsEducational Qualification : Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.Application Fee: Rs. 100/-Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on competitive written exam & Intervie  

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GSRTC Conductor Special Matrials Part  5 PRATHMIK SARVAR

This FILE is  exam paper useful. Please download the paper because this file is use your feature post and practice of all governmane and private job.We provide information about new job like goverment sector and private sector we also destribute the job related and post vise material like gujarati grammar english grammar history of gujarat history of india maths reasoning science computer gujarati literature indian literature gujarat geography indian geography current affairs .
We also provide information about Talati Junior clerk Senior Clerk SSC GSSEB etc related information and its related material and old paper and model paper. Teacher job and paripatra we also provide. my telegram & whatsapp no 9726905874 add your group for new update and material


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WhatsApp has become a lifeline for almost smartphone user since its launch in year 2009. It is the most popular chat app in the world and has over 1 billion monthly active users. But while a lot of people use WhatsApp, not everyone is keeping track of all the new features the app has got in the last several months.

In fact, since the beginning of this year the number of features coming to WhatsApp has grown at a rapid pace. Nowadays, almost every two weeks there is a new WhatsApp feature. So what does that mean for you, the WhatsApp user? You are probably not using WhatsApp in a very smart way. But worry not, we tell you some tips that will help you get most out of WhatsApp. To start with, 10 tips.

Tag people in group chats: Refer to someone in a group chat with a mention by typing the "@" symbol and selecting the person's name from the pop-up list. When you mention someone in a message, a notification will be sent to that person.

For iOS users: WhatsApp has recently rolled out several updates for its iOS users like using Siri to send a message or make call. When receiving a phone call, you can answer it quickly with the new full calling screen. To answer, tap to Accept or drag the slider. A new widget has also been added to the app that lets you jump to a recent chat or see which chats have unread message. Also in your iPhone Contacts app, you will have the option to make a call or send a message directly with WhatsApp. iPhone users can also forward a message or content to multiple chats at once.
Tap to speak: Don't want to type those lengthy and boring messages? That's fine. WhatsApp has a feature to help you deal with this. Simply, press the 'mic' button in your keypad and now dictate your long messages to the app.
Find out who has read your message in a group chat: Not everyone reads a message at the same time in a group chat. And those double blue ticks, they appear only when the message has been read by all in the group. So now you can know who has read your messages and who hasn't. Just tap and hold on the message, and then tap the Info option. You will see the message details like the exact time it was delivered and read.

Reply to a specific message: Do you have a friend who quick fires messages? Like one question and then before you can answer that, another question. To make it less confusing, you can answer the specific messages. Press on the message you want to answer, select the 'reply' button, and then type and send your response. It will appear with the original message so that the context is not lost.
Create shortcuts for important contracts: You can create shortcuts for your important contact on your phone's home screen. All you have to do is go the contact's chat window > Settings > More > Add Shortcut. You can now see the shortcut on your phone's home screen.

Stylise your messages: You can add some style -- or highlights -- to your messages using bold, italics, and strike-thrus. For e.g. *Hi * for bold, _Hi _ for italics and ~Hi ~ for strike-thrus.
Mute the noisy group notifications: Continuous messages in a group can be a annoying. Here's what you need to do to mute those irritating notifications. Tap on a group name > tap on Mute and then select how long you want to mute the group

Broadcast live feature: With festivals coming you may want to send a message to several friends at once. You can do this using this feature. Go to the Chats screen, tap on the menu button and then 'New broadcast' to choose the contacts you want to send the message. So party on Friday? Invite all your friends with single message.

Send a map of your location or nearby places to let someone know where you are or suggest a meeting place: To do this, tap on the share icon and then send your location or search for a place. Your GPS should be turned on before you send the location.
Personalise your WhatsApp: You can change the wallpaper of your WhatsApp. You will find this option under settings.

Search your WhatsApp chat history: You can search for a precise message in your chat thread. Go the contact's screen where you want to find the message. Tap the option button > Search > Type the text you are looking for. The app will fetch in the search term along with the conversation it came in.

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Got hundreds of Facebook friends you hardly know?

Now is a good time to do some digital cleanup, while the year is still fresh. Review your security and privacy settings, and make sure those casual acquaintances you met at a bar eons ago aren't still getting the most intimate details of your life. Get rid of games and apps that might have latched onto your account years ago, but that you no longer use.

Here are six cleanup tips:

1. Secure you account

You've doubtless heard you should have a strong password. It's especially important for email and social-networking accounts because so much of your digital life revolves around them. Plus, many other services let you log on using your Facebook account, so if that gets compromised, so will your other accounts.

Because passwords are tough to manage, it's best not to rely solely on them. Turn on what Facebook calls Login Approvals. It's in the account settings under "Security." After you do so, you're asked for confirmation - entering a special number sent to your phone - when signing on from a new device.

Unless you switch devices often, this is something you set up once and forget about. And no one else can log in with your password unless they also have your phone and that special number.

2. Review your privacy settings

Facebook offers a series of quick privacy "shortcuts." On desktops and laptops, look for the small padlock on the upper right corner of the browser. On Apple and Android devices, access shortcuts through the menu - the three horizontal bars.

The key shortcut is "Who can see my stuff ?" See whether you've been inadvertently broadcasting your musings to the entire Facebook community. You'll probably want to at least limit sharing to "Friends" rather than "Public," though you can customise that further to exclude certain individuals or groups - such as co-workers, acquaintances or grandparents. When sharing, remember that less is more.

While you're at it, check "Timeline and Tagging" in your account settings from a PC or mobile. You can insist on approving posts that people tag you in. Note that this is limited to what appears on your personal timeline; if Mary tags you in a post, Mary's friends will still see it regardless of your settings. That includes friends you may have in common with her.

If you're on a desktop or laptop, Facebook has a Privacy Checkup tool to review your settings. Look for that padlock. This tool is coming soon to mobile.

3. Make enemies..or at least unfriend some

Purge friends you're no longer in touch with. If you think "unfriending" is too mean, add them to an "Acquaintances" or "Restricted" list instead. "Acquaintances" means they won't show up in your news feed as often, though they'll still have full access to any posts you distribute to your friends. "Restricted" means they'll only see posts you mark as public. Either is effectively a way to unfriend someone without dropping any clues you've done so.

You can also create custom lists, such as "college friends" or "family." This is great for oversharing with those who'll appreciate it, while not annoying everyone else you know and putting yourself in danger of becoming an "acquaintance" yourself. You can create lists on a traditional PC by hitting "More" next to "Friends" to the left of your news feed. Individuals can be in multiple groups. Capabilities are limited on mobile devices, although changes you make on the PC will appear on your phone or tablet.

4. Watch those apps

Perhaps someone invited you to play a game a few years ago. You tried it a few weeks and moved on, yet the app is still getting access to your data. Or perhaps you've used Facebook to log onto a service you no longer use, such as one to track the 2014 Winter Olympics. It's time to sign out. If you're not sure you still use it, drop it anyway. You can always sign on again.

The Privacy Checkup tool on PCs will review apps for you automatically. On mobile devices, look for "Apps" in the account settings (not "Apps" in the main menu).

A related option is the Security Checkup tool. It's an easy way to log out of Facebook on devices you rarely use. You can also enable alerts when someone tries to sign on from a new device or browser. To run this, go to http://Facebook.com/securitycheckup on a PC. On the Android app, you can search for "security checkup" in the Help Center. On iPhones and iPads, you'll have to find the options individually in the account settings under "Security."

5. Control your data

You can exert some influence over whose posts you see more or less often by going to "News Feeds Preferences." The setting is on the top right on browsers and Android apps and on the lower right on iPhones. Here, you can select friends who'll always show up on top, or hide someone's posts completely.

Finally, if you're worried about data usage, you can stop videos in your news feeds from playing automatically. On Android, go to "Autoplay" in the "App Settings." On iPhones, it's in the account settings under "Videos and Photos."

6. Plan ahead

Two settings might eliminate grief later in life... or death.

In the security settings, you can designate certain friends as trusted contacts. They'll have power to help you if you get locked out of your account for some reason. You can also designate a "Legacy Contact" - a family member or close friend who'd serve as your administrator should you, um, make your last status update (as in, ever). They won't be able to post on your behalf or see your messages, but they'll be able to respond to new friend requests and take a few additional actions on your deceased behalf.

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you spend at least 30 minutes deciding the perfect pose for the picture, next 10 minutes is spent on choosing the best filter for the picture and if time permits you even add those beauty effects to the hide the blemishes or perfect the skin tone. All this hard work  but when you upload the image on Facebook, it looks all mushy, as if this is an image shot with a 15 year old camera and not the state-of-the-art latest iPhone.

Image result for FACEBOOK IMAGE

Often the pictures that you upload do not look the same after they are up on Facebook. Why? Up to 350 million new photos are uploaded on Facebook every day. So basically there is too much of data stored at once which can make the site slow or even crash. So to lighten the load and enable faster navigation on the site, Facebook automatically resizes and formats your pictures to its default sizes of 720px, 920px, 2048px for regular photos and 851px by 315px for the cover photos.

It also compresses the images and lowers the quality to a level where the images even look horrendous.

So what do you do? How do you save your pictures from the horror of Facebook's cruel compression?  Just follow these tips the next time you upload the next big art work on the website.

1. Facebook suggests you resize your pictures to one of its supported sizes which are of 720px, 920px, 2048px for regular photos and 851px by 315px for the cover photos. Do that in an image edit program before you upload the image. This way you can control the quality of the photo.

2. Upload cover photo of file size less than 100KB  to avoid compression.

3. Facebook advises you save your image as a JPEG with an sRGB color profile.

4. Make sure to tick the High Quality check box when uploading the photo album. You will find it on the left hand side of the uploading window.

5. iPhone users can go to the Facebook Account settings > Videos and photos> Upload HD. This will upload your photos in HD by default from you iPhone. Similarly Android users can go to App settings > Account Settings > Photos > Upload HD.

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ere at India Today Tech we have written about e-wallets earlier, including a guide on how to use one. But given the way things are going and with many people, nay make it most people, still without cash, the time of e-wallets in the country is truly starting.

Image result for PAY TM  IMAGE

Even PM Narendra Modi is asking people to use e-wallets. So how do you use an e-wallet? Is it really simple or difficult? What all do you need to use an e-wallet. Here is an explainer using Paytm, although other e-wallets, including MobiKwik and Freecharge, also work similarly.


-- To use Paytm you need a compatible smartphone. Almost all smartphones sold in India currently are compatible although if you have a good phone, read something that costs more than Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000 your experience of using the app will be better.

-- You need a debit or credit card. Although if you don't have it, you can still use Paytm but in that case you will have to get the money into your account through a Paytm retailer who can put in the money in your account using his own Paytm account. This is like top up or recharge for a pre-paid phone.  

Step 1

Download and install the Paytm app on your phone. The is available on Play Store, Windows Mobile Store and the iOS App Store.

Step 2

Once the app has been installed tap on it to open it. Now you have to login and for that you need to create an account. The process is simple. Just use your phone number to sign up and follow the on screen instructions. During the registration process you will get an OTP through SMS. This will be automatically read. After that you can set a password for your account. Once the password is set, you can log in to the account.

The same login details can be used to login into Paytm via a web browser to make online payments

Step 3

Once you have logged into your account, you need to put in some money into it. The limit is 20,000. That is the maximum amount of money you can have in the Paytm account, or for that matter any e-wallet account, at a time. This money can be filled into account using a valid debit or credit card.

Step 4

Once you have the money in the wallet, you can use it for payment. You can make online payments, for example to buy air tickets or to recharge your phone, as well you can make payments at your local retail store if the store accepts Paytm.
To make the payment, open the app and tap on the pay. It's the first icon on the blue part of the app. This gives you three ways to make payment.

One, you can scan the Paytm QR code that a seller will have on his shop. This will give you the details of the shop and then you will have to put in the required amount in the app and tap pay. So, for example you bought grocery items worth Rs 320 from a retail shop that accepts Paytm. To make the payment, open the app, tap on the pay, then scan the Paytm QR code at the shop, fill in the Rs 320 once the name of the shop appears in the app and tap pay. The money will be immediately transferred to the Paytm account of the seller.

The other method is to use the phone number of the Paytm account holder. The third method to pay through Paytm is via the QR code in your app. In this case, the retailer will scan the code on your phone and then you can put in the money that you want to pay him.

Step 5

Explore the app and see what all you can do. There is lot you can do, including online shopping. Although for online shopping we wouldn't recommend Paytm that much because the shopping experience, in our opinion and right now, is better on Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal.
But through the Paytm app you can do a money transfer, pay bills, pay for Uber cabs as well as buy tickets etc.

What about other e-wallets

We gave the example of the Paytm here because it seems to be popular and hence easier to use. There are more stores and services that accept Paytm. But you can use any other e-wallet if that serves your purpose. The process to use the one is similar, although in some cases the user interface, colours and buttons etc in the app could be different. But the basic idea is same: install the app, set up your account using the phone number, top it up with money and then use that money in the e-wallet to do cashless transactions.

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region-locked content, or more specifically the videos that aren't available in a particular country, are no longer the sort of nuisance that they used to be earlier. Nowadays, content creators have realised that it is futile to region-lock a video. But the problem still occasionally surfaces, particularly for something that is hot and trending. An example will be something like Grammy-nominated song or some other clip with unique music.

Image result for YOU TUBE  IMAGE

So if you come across such region-locked videos, which are available in the US or UK, but are blocked in India, how do you watch it? The answer, as always, lies in using a proxy or VPN server, which allows you to use an IP address from outside India to access something. Earlier, this used to be a major problem. But now in 2016, access to a VPN or proxy has become very easy.

There are several methods to access a blocked video, article or even the full website, in India. But the easiest -- and free -- is the use of Opera.

Opera -- yes the same software that is also ran in the browser market -- is of late doing some innovative stuff. Sensing that a lot of people can benefit from a VPN, the browser now comes bundled with a free VPN inside it.
So to watch a blocked video on a laptop or desktop, all you need to do is:

-- Install latest version of Opera .

-- Once the app is installed, open it and toggle VPN through the VPN Button placed in the URL bar.

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WhatsApp turned the world upside down for many when it announced the demise of old status feature in the app few weeks ago. The Facebook-owned chat app launched a new Status feature, and removed the old one that allowed people to set a text-only status update.

With the Status feature, which is seen as a separate tab in the app, users can share GIF, videos and photos with their contacts. This is a more Facebook and Instagram like feature. Also, just like the Snapchat's Stories, the posts disappear after 24 hours from WhatsApp.

Since the Status feature does not allow to post textual messages, the  feature received mixed reactions from users with many mourning and  criticising the company for the move. The company eventually brought back the old status feature.

Now the app runs both old and new status feature. The old features is back but with a twist. The twist is the way you now set up your status. Earlier there was a dedicated tab named as Status where you could go and set your desired status message. Now the process is different.  While many of us may be already knowing this process by now, for those who are still facing difficulty in setting up their status, here is how you do it:

Tap on the three-dot icon present on the top right corner inside the app

Go to Settings.
Tap on your profile picture.
You will see an option called 'About and phone number'. Tap on the text message under the tab.
Tap on the pencil icon and write your status message.
The status feature comes with same status message options like Busy, Available, At school , At work, At the movies and Battery about to die and more.

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WhatsApp today is like a lifeline to its users. With over 1 billion users, the chat app has become the first choice for almost everyone for exchanging texts, videos or audio clips.

WhatsApp makes you feel connected all the time and with the voice calling feature in it, now it has become easier to reach out to anyone at anytime. However, everything comes at a cost. The easy access to the chat app, and its wide prevalence, has made it a little annoying too. Along with the free and uninvited calls, the continuous incoming messages and those annoying family groups can get on your nerves sometimes. And not to forget: WhatsApp is one of the best ways used by your family members to keep an eye on you.

Whatsapp Tips
Deleting WhatsApp could be a little extreme, but then may be the extreme is what the doctor orders. In case, for some reason, you decide to purge WhatsApp from your life, here is what you should do.
Uninstalling the app doesn't help. It only deletes the WhatsApp icon from your phone. All your messages will still come to WhatsApp servers and once you reinstall the app, they will be there. Also you'll still be a part of all those family groups and chats.

But there is a way to delete, completely delete, WhatsApp and here is how you should go about it.

1. Go to settings.

2. Tap on Account.

3. Next click on Delete my account.

4. You'll be asked to enter your phone number on which the WhatsApp is registered. Enter the number and tap on delete my account shown across the red background.

5. It'll ask you to enter your region and the reason for quitting. This is optional.  Tap on delete my account and done. Your WhatsApp account is deleted now.

Now to access again, you will have to create a new WhatsApp account.

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Facebook can be a great medium to stay connected with your friends. However, for some, the  continuous notifications alerts, pokes and advertisements can be little annoying at times. Also, Facebook is addictive and consumes a lot of your time. And researchers have suggested that it might nit be great for your happiness

Image result for FACEBOOK IMAGE

A research study has also revealed that people who experience compulsive urges to use Facebook have some brain patterns similar to those found in drug addicts. So, in case you feel that you've had enough of Facebook and it's high time to bid adieu to it, then you have two options to do so- deactivate or delete.

The deactivation option is like an invisibility cloak which only makes your information from the public view. But all your information is still saved on Facebook's server. Also, a deactivated account can be reactivated anytime by just logging onto the account.

But a deleted account permanently removes all the information, photos and memories that you've shared on your profile from the server. Also a deleted Facebook account can never be reactivated.

But before you delete, you may  want to download a copy of all your Facebook data. To do this, log in to your Facebook account>Settings> General Account Settings> Download a copy of your Facebook data>Start My Archive.

Facebook will then ask you to enter password to confirm the download. Once you confirm it, all your information will be sent to your email.

Now to delete your account, go to https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_accountand click on 'Delete my account'.

Once it's done, Facebook will ask you to enter your password and the captcha code displayed in the image for the final confirmation.

It may take up to 90 days for Facebook to delete all of the things you've posted, like your photos, status updates or other data stored in backup systems. While Facebook is deleting this information, it is inaccessible to other people.

Some of the things you do on Facebook aren't stored in your account. For example, a friend may still have messages from you even after you delete your account. That information remains after you delete your account.

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Current Affairs Date 29/04/2017 By Jobguj.org

Current Affairs Date 29/04/2017 By Jobguj.org : As you know that current affairs is a main part of any exams. There are minimum  4 to 5 questions based on current affairs in any competitive exams. So we have to know all the latest current affairs from local, national and international. We Daily providing all kind of most important daily current affairs from various sources like news papers, magazine, government circular etc. It helps to up to date our knowledge and help lots in any competitive exams. So regular visit out current affairs page.
     Latest Current Affairs for competitive exams like UPSC, GPSC, TET,TAT,HTAT, GSRTC, IAS, IPS, RRB and banking exams like IPBS PO Clerk, SBI, RBI and more exams. Read daily affairs on latest current affairs 2017


*Flipkart completes ten years, launches 'CEO of the Day' context
 *Vani Jairam gets Ghantasala national award
 *Indo-French Naval Exercise Varuna Commences at Goa
*Northeast India's largest IT hub opens in Tripura
*Water and Sanitation Ministry website leaks Aadhaar details
 *India’s first sea ropeway to link Mumbai and Elephanta island
 *SBI, CREDAI ink MoU for concessional loan for housing projects
 *Bihar becomes second state after Telangana to adopt bills required for GST rollout
 *Veteran actor Kasinathuni Viswanath wins Dadasaheb Phalke award for 2016
 *Cuba Morocco reestablish diplomatic ties
*U.S Senate Confirms Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court Justice *Pakistan cricketer Misbah-ul-Haq announces retirement from Test cricket *Raman Roy is new NASSCOM chairman for 2017 - 2018 *RBI appoints Smt. Malvika Sinha as New Executive Director *Geetha Johri - Gujarat's first woman police chief, DGP *Lenin Moreno elected President of Ecuador *Serbia elects Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic as president *India’s first ever transsexual police Sub-Inspector - Prithika Yashini *FIFA banned former president of the Guatemala football federation 'Brayan Jimenez' for life *Dhoni as the CEO of an oil company for a day
* Saudi Arabia elected to UN women's rights commission * World's first malaria vaccine to be tested in Africa in 2018 * Quality Mark Award Scheme - Department of Animal Husbandry * China, Iran sign first agreement on reconfiguration of Arak reactor * Russian Duma forbids naming kids with numbers, obscenities * Russia's Anastasia Boil crowned Miss USSR UK * Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud appointed his son as the new ambassador to US * India, South Korea sign agreement to build warships * Aditi Ashok, SSP Chawrasia win Golf Industry Awards * Today World Laboratory Day - April 24
 In current affairs there are two words, 1.current means recent, day to day life and 2. Affairs means events or issues. Current and affairs come together to give an interesting name to a subject of study. 
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GPSC MODEL PAPER NO 39Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Important Notification for the post of Class 1 & 2 GAS & GCS (Advt. No. 121/2016-17) 2017, Check below for more details.Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.Posts :GPSC Class 1 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Dy. Collector: 40 PostsDyS.P.: 28 PostsDistrict Registrar: 07 PostsProhibition & Excise Superintendent: 02PostsAssistant Commissioner Tribal Development: 06 PostsGPSC Class - 2 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Mamlatdar: 69 PostsSection Officer (Sachivalay): 96 PostsSection Officer (GPSC): 03 PostsSection Officer (Gujarat Assembly Secretariat): 03 PostsTaluka Development Officer (TDO): 08 PostsAsst. District Registrar: 22 PostsDistrict inspector of land records: 08 PostsAssistant Director (Food and Civil Supplies): 15 PostsLabour Officer: 07 PostsTriable Development Officer: 21 PostsPrivate Secretary (English Stenographer, Grade-1),Class-2, (Special Recruitment-Schedule Tribe)State Services (Advt. No. GPSC 122/2016-17): 02 PostsClinical Physiologist (Advt. No. GPSC 123/2016-17): 20 PostsDistrict Youth Development Officer (Advt. No. GPSC 124/2016-17): 22 PostsScientific Officer (Chemistry), Class-2, Directorate of Forensic Science, Home Department (Advt. No. GPSC 125/2016-17):13 PostsIndustries Officer, Class-2,Industries & Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 126/2016-17): 07 PostsIndustries Officer (Technical ) and Manager (Raw Materials), Industries and Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 127/2016-17): 04 PostsInspector of Registration, Class-2 (Special Drive), General State Service, Inspector General of Registration (Advt. No. GPSC 128/2016-17): 05 PostsAssistant Research Officer, Class-2, General State Service, Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply & Kalpasar Department (Advt. No. GPSC 129/2016-17): 05 PostsDeputy Director (IT), Class-1, Department of Science and Technology (Advt. No. GPSC 130/2016-17): 10 PostsTotal No. of Posts : 423 PostsEducational Qualification : Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.Application Fee: Rs. 100/-Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on competitive written exam & Intervie  

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GSSSB Head Clerk Syllabus 2017, Gujarat Social Welfare Inspector exam pattern and also available previous papers of Accountant/Supervisor, Municipal Deputy Accountant & various vacancies at gsssb.gujarat.gov.in.

                                                                                      GSSSB Assistant Social Welfare Officer Syllabus 2017: We are very happy to announce that Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board has successfully uploaded the Gujarat Head Clerk Exam Syllabus 2017 on its official website. Candidates who were searching the GSSSB ASWO Exam Pattern since the announcement of advertisement no 111 to advertisement no 118 should go carefully with this article in order to know details about the exam. Generally, the candidate needs syllabus for making the good preparation in order to secure good marks above the expected cutoff. Dear Gujarati candidates, if have any query or doubt then ask us without any hesitation.

                                                   All job seekers will have to appear in both OMR type competitive exam (Part 1) and Computer proficiency Test (Part 2) respectively those who want to become a Head Clerk or Social Welfare Inspector. The selection process will take place as given below. The paper scheme is available especially for the exam of various positions such as Municipal Accounts, Municipal Deputy Accounts, Accountant/Inspector, Social Welfare Inspector, Deputy Social Welfare Inspector and Head Clerk.Download sample paper, previous year solved questions papers and study material from this single article. You don’t have to go for the further site as we are 100% percent sure about this paper pattern.It’s our guarantee that once your complete reading procedure according to given GSSSB ASWO Syllabus 2017 you can clear this exam with good marks. But yes, if you don’t follow it then we are not sure about your performance.Generally, syllabus helps the lot in preparation as well as in exam too. According to the notification, there will be MCQ type questions in the paper for 150 marks and it includes topics like General knowledge, General Science, Current Affairs, History, Government Schemes, English, Grammar and Gujarati Language. Candidates will get a time of 2 hours and 30 minutes for filling answer sheet. We have updated Relevant/Reference/Preparation Books list, thereof links are available underneath.We have tried our level best to give you a complete information about the GSSSB Head Clerk Syllabus 2017. If have any doubt or need clarification regarding exam pattern then kindly submit a comment by using the below comment segment.Head cleark model paper is most  useful in this exam which will on 30 april 2017


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Friday, 28 April 2017

Gujarat Maha Aandolan Part 1

The Latest GK 2017 Today We Upload Gujarat Maha Aandolan Question Answer Part 1 Provide By GnanKutir. Today We Upload Useful for Talati Cum Mantri GPSC/UPSC/PSI Study Material Updates.


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Useful Gujarati General Knowledge for all Competitive Exam Preparation Of Gujarat & Central level Exams.Like Tet, HtatBinsachivalay ClerkGpsc , Police Constable, Talati, Sbi Clerk etc exam In this file 50 question and answer.Category wise General knowledge (GK) PDF files and online GK test / quiz for competitive exams. Download Gujarat GK and prepare for exam.

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GPSC Study Material Part 2

100 Most imp current affairs questions with answer in Hindi, English and Gujarati. Very useful for All type of Competitive Exams Like UPSC, GPSC, MPSC, RPSC, BPSC, UPPSC, APPSC, SSC, NDA, CDS, IBPS PO & CLERK, SBI PO, SBI CLERK, PSI, RAILWAY, LIC, TAT, TET, CAT and more

IBPS Common Written Exam, Bank Exam study materials, PSI Exam study materials, …Contents. 1 GPSC Class 1-2 Official Answer Keys; 2 GPSC Class 1-2 Exam … 6 Reference Books: 7 Model Questions Papers for GPSC Class 1-2 Exam
Teaching / writing experience of competitive exams. Should be able to write contents on variety of subjects related to Competitive exams.
GPSC Section Officer Previous Papers uploaded. … Contents [hide] … direct links toGPSC Revenue Written Test Model papers to download.
Gujarat PSC Deputy Section Officer Syllabus 2017 Get GPSCMamlatdar Previous Papers and Exam … In this Section Officer, Deputy Collector, and MamlatdarWritten Examination, a lot of subjects include.
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Download GPSC Solved Paper Question and Answers. Maru Gujarat has published aPDF for GPSC Study Material with GPSC Old PaperOld Papers : Download. GPSC Class 1 & 2 Prelim. (25-02-2007) Solved Paper *, Click Here. GPSC Class 1 & 2 Main (19-05-2008) Solved

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Daily GK About Gujarat

Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach – Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach is situated on the coastline of the state of Gujarat and is one of the finest beaches in India. It is located in Ahmedpur Mandvi,located near Union Territory Diu.
Mandvi Beach – Kutch – Mandvi Wind Farms Beach and Wind-mills, which line the horizon of Mandvi, offer a spectacular view from the Mandvi sea-beach. The Wind mills projects running in this beach was Asia’s 1st Wind-Mills Projects in 1983.
Chorwad Beach – Chorwad Beach of Gujarat is another splendid beach situated on the west coast of India. It is situated at a distance of 66 km from Junagadh. Chorwad has a high potential of attracting both domestic as well as international tourists. The beach consists of rocky hills and presents an opportunity for thrilling boat rides.
Diu Beach – Diu beach is situated off the Saurashtra coast and is connected to the state of Gujarat via a causeway. Diu is a secluded island and does not have much population. This makes it an ideal place for a serene vacation, away from the worries of daily life.

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GPSC Study Material Part 1

100 Most imp current affairs questions with answer in Hindi, English and Gujarati. Very useful for All type of Competitive Exams Like UPSC, GPSC, MPSC, RPSC, BPSC, UPPSC, APPSC, SSC, NDA, CDS, IBPS PO & CLERK, SBI PO, SBI CLERK, PSI, RAILWAY, LIC, TAT, TET, CAT and more

IBPS Common Written Exam, Bank Exam study materials, PSI Exam study materials, ...Contents. 1 GPSC Class 1-2 Official Answer Keys; 2 GPSC Class 1-2 Exam ... 6 Reference Books: 7 Model Questions Papers for GPSC Class 1-2 Exam
Teaching / writing experience of competitive exams. Should be able to write contents on variety of subjects related to Competitive exams.

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