Vrudh Sahay Yojana Gujarat Detail and Application Form : The above scheme has been implemented all over India by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi from 16-11-2009. The implementation of which has been started in the state of Gujarat from 1-4-2008. Relating to whose application.
- Mamlatdar shree of the taluka has to be done separately.
- The eligibility to apply under this scheme is as under.
- Applicants must be 30 years of age or older.
Vrudh Sahay Yojana Gujarat Detail and Application Form
The applicant should live in a rural area and should have a score of 0 to 50 in the B.P.L list under the poor line. For urban area applicants should include the B.P.L prepared in the context of the poverty alleviation programs of the Ministry of Urban Housing & Property Elevation of the Central Government.
Eligible spouses can both apply.
Amount of assistance
Amount of assistance Monthly assistance to the beneficiaries aged 60 to 6 years Rs.50 / – (Rs. 300 / – from State Government, Rs. 200 / – from Central Government) and Rs. 1000 / – monthly assistance to beneficiaries aged 40 or above (Rs. Rs.500 / – from Central Government Rs.500 / -)
Regarding the appeal application
There is a provision to make an appeal to the provincial officer within 30 days regarding the rejected application.
When does the aid stop?
- Beneficiary BPL
- From the death of the beneficiaries
Where can I get the application form?
- Will be available free of charge from the following office.
- Collector’s Office
- Mamlatdar’s office
- Public Service Center
The amount of assistance to the beneficiary is credited to the beneficiary’s account by DBT. Are deposited.