Live English learning, English speaking, Penguin Readers, Upskill Assessment
Learning English is all about practicing to speak confidently and fluently.
enguru Live English Learning App helps you improve your spoken & written English through online live classes with expert teachers, access to special reader versions of the bestselling novels & a FREE self-learning course. You can now also prove your level of English to potential employers with Upskill from Cambridge, a certification from the global leader of English language tests.
અહિંંથી વાંચો ડીટેઇલ ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ
શાળાઓ શરુ કરવા અંગે દિવ્યભાસ્કર ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો
• Live English Classes with English Speaking Practice: Our live classes are led by Cambridge qualified teachers and are filled with speaking activities where you get to practice English speaking.
• Your first day of live classes is completely FREE– take as many classes as you like in your free plan.
• After your free classes, choose a subscription plan: Gold (8 students / class), Silver (12 students / class) or Bronze (25 students / class)
• We offer UNLIMITED classes for the subscription period you choose: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.
• Live Classes for people of all levels – Beginner, Medium or Hard. We also provide separate classes for Kids!
• Penguin Readers Subscription – access the best contemporary fiction, essential non-fiction and popular classic novels written for learners of English.
• Prove your English skills to the world with the Revolutionary Upskill from Cambridge test. Cambridge English’s first mobile based assessment. Exclusively available on enguru.
• Engage Readers Subscription - Learn science & social studies through fun stories & photos, written at different reading levels. Tied to your child's curriculum!
• Practice improving your with our FREE self-learning course. 600 levels of vocabulary and grammar.
We resolved all these issues by developing a speaking partner with many functionalities. Most important ones are -
1. A super-intelligent VoiceBot speaker that will be available on your phone 24/7 to practice and learn, which will make learning fun and will help in improving your vocabulary efficiently.
2. She can speak, she can listen, she can understand you, she will applaud for you when you are correct and most importantly, she will correct your pronunciations whenever you will make one while practicing, in a non-intrusive manner and she won't judge you ever on your knowledge.
Personalized material for each user - She will communicate with you as if you are having a conversation with your friend on topics starting from your daily needs to your interview needs.
શાળાઓ શરુ કરવા અંગે ZEE ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો
You just need to practice with our Speaker and you gradually learn to converse. You need not worry about Grammar.
By simply listening and practicing, one can improve their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence formation and can have super easy access to these lessons anytime and anywhere even if your phone is in offline mode.
Don't memorize anything - Comes with Audio-Visuals so that you don't have to memorize anything on a daily basis.
Instant results/feedback that will help you in the improvement of your vocabulary with pronunciation skills.