Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), HR-ER Department, Ahmedabadrequires General Duty Medical Officer on contract basis in Ahmedabad Asset & Cambay Asset. Other details like educationqualification, pay scale, how to apply, selection process, no of posts, venue & interview date etc. mention below. You can view official advertisement & registration form by following link.
Total no of Posts: 10
Name of Posts:
General Duty Medical Officer:Ahmedabad Asset: 09 PostsCambay Asset.: 01 Post
Educational Qualification: MBBS Degree from recognized University with registration Certificate from State/ Medical council of India.
Monthly Remuneration (Rs.): Rs.55000/- per month (all inclusive)
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions should bring all original certificates including No Objection Certificate (NOC) from existing employer (if any), two recent passport size photographs and self-attested one set of photocopies of all certificates.
Venue: ONGC Chatral Guest House (Transit Accommodation), Chandkheda, Ahmedabad.
Important dates:
Interview date: 08/06/2016Registration time: 09:30 AM to 11:30 AMInterview time: After 11:30 AM
Important links: